TPLO Advanced Course

Medical Education Training Program –



Thursday, January 26

Friday, January 27

Friday, January 27

Thursday, January 26

Friday, January 27




Arthrex GmbH | Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9 | 81249 Munich | Germany

Arthrex GmbH | Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9 | 81249 München | Deutschland

Friday, January 27

Friday, January 27



08:00 - 08:15

Welcome and Coffee

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08:15 - 09:30

Didactic Session

  • Steep TPA Deformities

    T. Cachon
  • Complication and Revision Strategies

    A. Pozzi
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09:30 - 10:00

Coffee Break

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10:00 - 10:30

Didactic Session

  • CCLR and MPL

    S. Knell
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10:30 - 12:30

Drylab and Wetlab

  • TPLO Techniques for MPL

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12:30 - 13:30

Lunch Break

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13:30 - 15:30


  • TPLO, Deformities, MPL

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15:30 - 15:45

Course Evaluation

  • Your feedback is important to us! Please use the link that you received via email on the second day of the course or use our touchscreens and QR Codes in the Doctors' Lounge. Thank you!

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15:45 - 16:15

Didactic Session

  • Postoperative Radiographic Evaluation and Wrap up

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End of Course

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Antonio Pozzi
Antonio Pozzi
Zurich, CH
Sebastian Knell
Sebastian Knell
Zurich, CH
Thibaut Cachon
Thibaut Cachon
Marcy L'Etoile, FR
Antonio Pozzi
Zürich, CH
Sebastian Knell
Zürich, CH
Thibaut Cachon
Marcy L'Etoile, FR


TPLO Advanced Course


This is a 2-day international hands-on course for experienced TPLO surgeons with focus on how to address rotational instability in CCL ruptures.

Learning Outcomes

The attendees will be able to improve their existing knowledge in performing TPLO procedures with focus on treating rotational instability.



Arthrex GmbH

Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9
81249 Munich | Germany

Arthrex is easily accessible by car as well as by public transportation.


There is a large parking area opposite the company building.

Driving Directions

Take exit A99 “München-Freiham-Mitte”
Take exit A96 “München-Freiham-Süd”
Traveling time from ramp “Mittlerer Ring”: 15 minutes
Traveling time from Munich Airport: 25 minutes
Traveling time from Munich central station: 20 minutes

Open Navigation >
Directions for Public Transportation

Take suburban train S-Bahn S8: Get off at train station “Freiham”
Traveling time from Munich central station: 17 minutes
Traveling time from Munich Airport: 53 minutes
Take bus 143 (StadtBus): Get off at bus stop “Clarita-Bernhard-Strasse”
(coming from direction “Olympia-Einkaufszentrum”)

Arthrex GmbH

Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9
81249 München | DE

Arthrex ist sowohl mit dem Auto als auch mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln leicht erreichbar.


Gegenüber dem Firmengebäude befindet sich ein großer Parkplatz.

Anfahrt mit dem Auto

Nehmen Sie die Ausfahrt A99 "München-Freiham-Mitte".
Nehmen Sie die Ausfahrt A96 "München-Freiham-Süd"
Fahrzeit von der Rampe Mittlerer Ring: 15 Minuten
Fahrzeit vom Flughafen München: 25 Minuten
Fahrzeit vom Hauptbahnhof München: 20 Minuten

Navigation öffnen >
Anfahrt mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

Nehmen Sie die S-Bahn S8: Steigen Sie am Bahnhof "Freiham" aus
Fahrzeit vom Münchener Hauptbahnhof: 17 Minuten
Fahrzeit vom Flughafen München: 53 Minuten
Nehmen Sie den Bus 143 (StadtBus): Steigen Sie am Busbahnhof "Clarita-Bernhard-Straße (Richtung Olympia-Einkaufszentrum)" aus

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