TPLO Masterclass: Beyond Straight Cuts
Endoscopic Spine Surgery:
Medical Education Training Program –
Wednesday, 11 Dezember
Wednesday, 11 Dezember
Wednesday, 11 Dezember
Wednesday, 11 Dezember
Arthrex GmbH | Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9 | 81249 Munich | Germany
Arthrex GmbH | Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9 | 81249 München | Deutschland
Wednesday, 11 Dezember
Wednesday, 11 Dezember
TPLO Masterclass: Beyond Straight Cuts
Registration, Welcome and Coffee
Didactic Session: Advanced Indications for TPLO in Dogs
Steep TPA
P. BöttcherValgus and Varus Deformity
P. BöttcherTorsion Deformity
P. BöttcherCaudal Cruciate Ligament Rupture (Negative TPA)
P. Böttcher
Pre-operative Planning of Corrective Osteotomy Along TPLO (each participant performs the planning of 3 cases in preparation for the Drylab
P. Böttcher
Drylab Session
Executing the Three Osteotomy Techniques Using Specific Sawbones Models
Didactic Session: TPLO and MPL
Assessment and Decision Making
A. Pozzi15TPLO InternalBrace™ for Excessive Rotation
A. Pozzi15
Didactic Session: TPLO and MPL
TPLO With Fragment Translation
A. Pozzi15TPLO Combined With Tibial TuberosityTransposition (New TPLO-MPL Plate)
A. Pozzi15- N.N
Weblab Session: TPLO and MPL in Small and Large Dogs
Application of TPLO-MPL Plate Combined With InternalBrace™
TPLO Combined With Tibial Tuberosity Transposition
Didactic Session: Postoperative Radiographic Evaluation of MPL/TPLO Correction
End of Course
Wednesday, 11 Dezember

TPLO Masterclass: Beyond Straight Cuts
Endoscopic Spine Surgery:
This course is designed to provide experienced veterinary surgeons with enhanced knowledge and practical skills in performing TPLO surgeries combined with other complex pathologies, beyond “simple” cranial cruciate ligament rupture. The focus will be on addressing limb deformities of the proximal tibia including conditions such as varus, valgus, and steep tibial plateau angles as well as managing concurrent patella luxation. The program includes a series of lectures and practical laboratory sessions. Participants will explore advanced surgical techniques and theoretical knowledge crucial for handling intricate cases involving the proximal tibia and patella.
Learning Outcomes
This one-day masterclass is best suited for surgeons who already have a good foundation in TPLO procedures typically using 2.4 - 3.5 mm plates and are looking to refine their techniques and expand their treatment capabilities. Due to the intensive nature of this course, it is essential that the participants have substantial clinical experience with TPLO surgeries in both large and small breed dogs, as the format does not allow time for repetition of basic skills. Enrolment in this masterclass will provide an opportunity to deepen your surgical expertise in a focused, professional environment.

Arthrex GmbH
Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9
81249 Munich | Germany
Arthrex is easily accessible by car as well as by public transportation.
There is a large parking area opposite the company building.
Driving Directions
Take exit A99 “München-Freiham-Mitte”
Take exit A96 “München-Freiham-Süd”
Traveling time from ramp “Mittlerer Ring”: 15 minutes
Traveling time from Munich Airport: 25 minutes
Traveling time from Munich central station: 20 minutes
Directions for Public Transportation
Take suburban train S-Bahn S8: Get off at train station “Freiham”
Traveling time from Munich central station: 17 minutes
Traveling time from Munich Airport: 53 minutes
Take bus 143 (StadtBus): Get off at bus stop “Clarita-Bernhard-Strasse”

Arthrex GmbH
Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9
81249 München | DE
Arthrex ist sowohl mit dem Auto als auch mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln leicht erreichbar.
Gegenüber dem Firmengebäude befindet sich ein großer Parkplatz.
Anfahrt mit dem Auto
Nehmen Sie die Ausfahrt A99 "München-Freiham-Mitte".
Nehmen Sie die Ausfahrt A96 "München-Freiham-Süd"
Fahrzeit von der Rampe Mittlerer Ring: 15 Minuten
Fahrzeit vom Flughafen München: 25 Minuten
Fahrzeit vom Hauptbahnhof München: 20 Minuten
Anfahrt mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
Nehmen Sie die S-Bahn S8: Steigen Sie am Bahnhof "Freiham" aus
Fahrzeit vom Münchener Hauptbahnhof: 17 Minuten
Fahrzeit vom Flughafen München: 53 Minuten
Nehmen Sie den Bus 143 (StadtBus): Steigen Sie am Busbahnhof "Clarita-Bernhard-Straße" aus